COVID-19 Resources

Posted April 19, 2022

Covid-19 Pandemic Information

Gross Catholic High School is in line with CDC and Sarpy County recommended COVID 19 protocols to protect and keep everyone healthy and safe.

Updated Gross Catholic COVID Protocols (2.7.2022)

Masks are required for all visitors. Masks are recommended (not required) for all students, faculty, and staff.

COVID-19 Positive or Symptomatic: Fully Vaccinated Individual

  • Quarantine begins the day after a positive test/or 1st day of symptoms
  • Wear a mask and monitor symptoms
  • After 5 days if symptoms are gone, you may return to school and mask for the remainder of the 10 days.
  • After 5 days if symptoms persist, you should remain at home until fever or symptoms are better and continue to mask.

COVID-19 Exposure to Positive or Symptomatic: Fully Vaccinated Individual

  • Wear a mask and monitor symptoms for the next 10 days

COVID-19 Positive or Symptomatic: Unvaccinated Individual

  • Quarantine begins the day after a positive test or 1st day of symptoms
  • Wear a mask and monitor symptoms
  • After 10 days if symptoms are gone, you may return to school
  • After 10 days if symptoms persist, you should remain at home until fever or symptoms are better and continue to mask.

COVID-19 Exposure to Positive or Symptomatic: Unvaccinated Individual

  • Quarantine begins the day after a positive test/or 1st day of exposure
  • Wear a mask and monitor symptoms
  • After 10 days if symptoms are gone, you may return to school
  • After 10 days if symptoms persist, you should remain at home until fever or symptoms are better and continue to mask.

For CDC COVID-19 Symptoms, visit the CDC website.

Covid Vaccines

In order to increase the safety of everyone in school, we encourage everyone to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and a booster shot.

Fully vaccinated is defined as two weeks (14 days) after the second dose of Moderna or Pfizer, or 14 days after the Johnson & Johnson single dose.

The school requires the student to present their vaccination card showing the dates of all vaccinations to our School Office to Mrs. Rice. She will copy the card and update the student’s immunization records.

Fully vaccinated students will not be required to quarantine after close contact with a COVID-positive person as long as fully vaccinated students are asymptomatic.  Of course, we need proof of vaccination. That is why we ask that you bring your vaccination card to the main office. In this case, your word that you have been vaccinated is not enough, we need proof of vaccination.

If anyone is not fully vaccinated, they have to quarantine for 10 days if exposed to the virus.

These protocols are subject to change if new information becomes available from the CDC.

Gross Catholic Remote Learning Days 2021-2022

If needed, here are the expectations for Remote Learning Days.

Guiding Expectations for Teachers

  • Online office hours for teachers will be from 8 am – 1 pm. Attendance questions need to be posted by 8 am. All attendance questions need to relate to what you are studying at the time.
  • All assignments and synchronous meetings must be announced with at least 24 hours’ notice plus 24 hours completion time
  • Synchronous meetings can be scheduled using Teams (see separate email for teacher directions to arrange this). Teachers should record the Teams or other meeting chats online meeting for any attendee unable to join in person.
  • Google Classroom and email will be the source of all communication with students. It will be imperative to be very clear in all communications and to be very organized on Google Classroom pages to avoid confusion.

Guiding Expectations for Students

  • All work needs to be completed on the posted due dates. If you are ill or cannot participate in your classes for any reason, your parents will need to contact the school/ teacher via email.
  • Log in to Google Classroom and school email every day to determine class work. Direct questions to teachers if you are unsure of expectations. Each teacher will post a daily attendance question in their Google Classroom by 8:05 am and you will have until 12 pm to answer this question or you will be counted absent from class that day.
  • When attending class via online (in-virtual person), please be aware of your dress and surroundings. For example, do not attend class in your pajamas from your bed. Be respectful of classmates and teachers by presenting yourself as a student ready to learn.
  • Synchronous—at the same time learning (class meeting)
  • Asynchronous—at your own time learning (homework)

Tips for Parents During This Time

  • All teachers will have online office hours from 8 – 1 pm. Attendance will be taken each day also.
  • Most importantly set up a routine for your student/family. Keep normal sleep times and wake times that you would keep during the normal school day. Routine is important and will help. Gross Catholic is helping you with this by taking a virtual attendance daily in your student’s Google Classroom by 8:05 am each day. Teachers will post an attendance question with the date listed that each student is required to answer by 12:00 pm. If your student has not answered this question before 12 pm, they will be marked absent from that day of school.
  • Hold your student accountable. It is the teacher’s responsibility to continue to provide a means for learning the curriculum, but we will need your help at home. Please check in with your student to make sure they are meeting the deadlines the teachers have set for them in their classes. Check to make sure they are understanding the expectations and content the teacher is presenting. If not, encourage them to ask questions. Remember the teacher is required to have online office hours from 8 am – 1 pm daily
  • Lastly, encourage your student to self-advocate especially if they have questions and or need clarity.
  • Online learning days are not days off from school. Students are expected and required to complete all assignments assigned by teachers. Students are encouraged to contact their teachers with any questions or concerns they have.

Special Notes

  • Check with your internet or cellular provider. Many are extending to unlimited data and internet due to this situation. This may help with streaming and the online learning.
  • Mrs. Sweetmon will be offering a morning prayer with an inspirational message daily in the Marianist Mission Hours Google Classrooms. Please join her for this.
  • Any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Neuhalfen at

About Gross Catholic High School

Gross Catholic, a co-educational, college preparatory high school, began its proud heritage of academic excellence rooted in the Marianist tradition in 1968. We consider ourselves one of the best Catholic schools in Omaha, Bellevue, and Papillion. The school motto Dux Esto (“Be a Leader”) is at the core of its extraordinary mission, innovative spirit, and fundamental values. The school offers a challenging environment and outstanding quality of life, both in academics and co-curricular activities, with a strong focus on STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) education. The spirit of Christian service and giving back is part of everything the school does. Gross Catholic’s top-tier status is reflected in its talented faculty, staff, and coaches who take great pride in seeing virtually every graduate head to college, often to the most prestigious domestic and international universities and service academies. Together with families and alumni, Gross Catholic forges relationships for a lifetime, helping to ready the next generation to be exemplary, principled leaders of the world.

To discover the Gross Catholic difference, contact us at 402.734.2000 or visit our Admissions page.