
Students walking to a Catholic school instead of a public school
Parent News

Choosing Gross Catholic after Public School

What Young People Need Omaha area Catholic school, or public school? Take a minute to think about all of the difficulties that youth face, during their teenage years. It’s a time when they begin to act independently and make choices that can impact the rest of their lives. When they look at the future, they’re […]

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The Huck Family Mission

Part of the reason Robb & I chose Gross Catholic for our children was to experience a Marianist education. We knew from our own experience that Gross Catholic would provide a superior education…

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Student News

Breathing Life into the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

n a time when we have to physically distance, it is important to remember to come together as the human family. My classmates and I have embraced this idea and accepted the challenge to complete service projects.…

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